文章编号:1672-3104(2008)05−0592−06 |
企业国际化成长战略模式研究 |
周劲波,黄胜 |
(广西师范大学经济管理学院,广西桂林,541004) |
摘 要: 全球经济一体化步伐的加快和知识经济时代的到来,客观上要求企业主动实施国际化成长战略。文中对企业国际化成长战略内涵进行了批判和重新定义,认为企业国际化成长战略是关于企业在国际市场竞争中存活并向更高一级方向发展,由小到大,由弱到强,不断成长发展的战略;在界定战略创新力和战略协调力的基础上,提出了四种企业国际化成长战略模式:价值重复战略、价值创新战略、价值整合战略和新价值链战略。最后,探讨了企业国际化成长战略的演变路径及其与国际市场进入方式之间的关系。 |
关键词: 企业国际化;成长战略;价值链;企业国际化 |
A Study on the Growth Strategy Mode of
Internationalization the Firm Based on the Global Value Chain Theory |
ZHOU Jinbo, HUANG Sheng |
(School of Economics and Management, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China) |
Abstract: The accelerated pace of global economic integration and the arrival of knowledge economy times objectively require companies to further implement the internationalization growth strategy. Firstly, the connotation of the growth strategy of enterprises internationalization is animadverted in this paper and is redefined as a strategy about which enterprises survive in the international market competition, continually grow and develop toward a higher direction from being small to big and from being weak to strong. Secondly, on the basis of defining the strategy innovation force and the strategy coordination force, the research puts forward four growth strategy models of enterprises internationalization, namely, the value repetition strategy, the value innovation strategy, the value integration strategy and the new value chain strategy. Finally the evolution path of the growth strategy of enterprises internationalization and the relationship between them and international market entry modes are discussed. |
Key words: internationalization of the firm; the growth strategy; the value chain; internationalization of the firm |