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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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毛眺源1, 2,戴曼纯1
(1. 北京外国语大学中国外语教育研究中心,北京,100089;
2. 湖南商学院外国语学院,湖南长沙,410205)
摘  要: 特征重组假说是目前二语习得研究应用原则与参数框架实现既定理论目标的有效尝试,在学界引发了不少争议。该假说将二语习得设想为习得者通过对比分析母语与二语特征之间的对应之处,拆分(delink)母语特征并将其按二语要求重装(reassemble)于二语词项之上,必要时辅以普遍语法特征库的完全通达以补全母语中缺失的特征,完成后续句法习得。但是,不支持宏观语法参数与Borer-Chomsky微观词汇参数,以及特征识别时不区分可解读、不可解读特征等观点引起学界质疑其可行性。
关键词: 参数设置;(不)可解读特征;特征重组假说;特征组装
L2 Feature Re-assembly Hypothesis revisited: its architecture and prospect
MAO Tiaoyuan1, 2, DAI Manchun1
(1. National Research Center for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University,
Beijing 100089, China;
2. College of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Commerce, Changsha 410205, China)
Abstract: Feature Re-assembly Hypothesis is an efficient attempt to instantiate theoretical goals within the Principles and Parameters framework in the current second language acquisition (SLA) research, causing quite a few debates in SLA research field. It assumes that L2 learners acquire target languages by finding the corresponding features between L1 and L2 via contrastive analysis, delinking L1 features and reassembling them into L2 lexical items according to the requirements of L2, assisting with full access to UG inventory of features to supply the features nonexistent in L1 if necessary, so as to accomplish subsequent syntactic acquisition. Yet, some assumptions are questioned by L2 researchers, including the issues of nonsupport of macro-parameter and Borer-Chomsky Conjecture (micro-parameter), and no distinction between interpretable and uninterpretable features in feature recognition.
Key words: parameter-setting; (un)interpretable features; Feature Re-assembly Hypothesis; feature assembly
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