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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《失乐园》对《圣经》的传承与超越表现在经典互文与文学想象这两个方面。就经典互文而言,《失乐园》第7、9、10卷在情节、题材和主题上与《创世记》第1-3章构成尤为显性而密集的互文指涉,主要显现于弥尔顿对《创世记》文本大量且大胆的引用和转述;就文学想象而论,史诗对上帝所造之物的拟人化和具体化描写丰富了创世造人情节;对亚当夏娃尝食禁果前后内心活动的细致刻画和对人类堕落带给大自然伤害的艺术化呈现拓展了人类堕落题材;关于亚当夏娃对待惩罚之态度与认识的诗性描写深化了罪与罚主题。通过经典互文,史诗传承了《圣经》原有的宗教文本内涵;通过文学想象,诗人赋予《失乐园》独特的宗教审美意蕴。经典互文与文学想象共同成就了《失乐园》永恒的经典地位。
关键词: 弥尔顿;《失乐园》;《创世记》;经典;互文指涉;文学想象
Classics’ intertextuality and literary imagination: Milton’s inheritanceand transcendence of Genesis of the Bible in Paradise Lost
LI Yanbo
(School of Foreign Languages, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Milton’s inheritance and transcendence of Genesis of the Bible in Paradise Lost is revealed in the classics’ intertextuality and his literary imagination respectively. In terms of classics’ intertextuality, Books 7, 9 and 10 in Paradise Lost share the most evident and concentrated intertextual referentiality concerning plot, subject and theme to Chapters 1-3 in Genesis, which is primarily realized by his audacious quoting directly or indirectly of the relevant texts from Genesis. As far as literary imagination is concerned, Milton’s personified and specified depiction of the living creatures created by God enriches the plots of God’s creation of the universe and mankind in Genesis. The meticulous characterization of human ancestors’ inner activities before and after eating the Forbidden Fruit and the artistic presentation of the Fall’s harm on Nature expands the subject of the Fall. And the poetic portrayal of human ancestors’ attitude to and understanding of God’s punishment deepens the theme of Sin and Punishment. Through classics’ intertextuality, Paradise Lost inherits the original religious connotations of the texts in the Bible, while through the literary imagination, the epic is endowed with unique religious aesthetic implication. Both the Classics’ intertextuality and the literary imagination make Paradise Lost an everlasting classic.
Key words: John Milton; Paradise Lost; Genesis; classics; intertextual referentiality; literary imagination
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