自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 网络小说的全文本由其小说文本本身及伴随文本共同构成。链文本是伴随文本中重要的一项,网络小说链文本的数量众多。通过对起点中文网网络小说页面设置的考察,发现较之于小说阅读界面,小说首页的链文本更为丰富且多样。在首页的各种链文本中,最突出的两项为书评区和互动信息。前者为作者和读者群体自由发表见解,由此为寻找意义社群提供了场所,后者由网站设置了很多链文本框架,旨在将读者询唤为消费主体。两者都为作者读者群体寻找和制造存在感提供了新的方式,是网络小说除其文本价值之外交际价值的重要来源,能在一定程度上实现受众群体的符号身份认同。
关键词: 网络小说;符号学;链文本;身份认同;意义社群;受众群体;自我
Seeking and making sense of existence and identification in link-texts of network novel
WANG Xiaoying
(College of Literature, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China)
Abstract: The omni-text of the Network novel is constituted by the novel text itself and its co-texts. Link-text is one of the important co-texts and there are a great many link-texts in Network novels. Through the study on the page settings of Network novels in the Qidian Chinese website, we found more link-texts on the home page of the Network novel than on the reading page. The most outstanding link-texts on the home page are the comments section and the interactive section. The former provides a place to deliver free opinions and seek the meaning community for authors and readers. And the latter sets lots of link-texts framework for interpellation and the aim is to make readers consumers. Both are the new ways of seeking and making the sense of existence. And their phatic value is the other important value besides the Network novel’s text value. So they can realize the audience’s symbol identification to a certain extent.
Key words: Network novel; semiotics; link-text; identification; meaning community; audience community; self
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