文章编号:1672-3104(2014)06-0248-04 |
从实践本体论哲学到个体生存论美学:王国维“感悟诗学”的构建 |
黄菲蒂,杨经建 |
(湖南师范大学文学院,湖南长沙,410081) |
摘 要: 王国维对旷世命题——“可信者不可爱,可爱者不可信”的求索,借助的是一种存在论哲学(美学)思维范式。 这种思维范式立足于西方现代非理性主义直观说,并吸纳了感悟体验等本土资源进行现代性转换和再造,重构了一种具有潜哲学和超美学形态的“感悟诗学”,以参悟生命的诗性哲思解答了存在的意义。王氏对“可信”“可爱” 的探求,是从实践本体论哲学走向个体生存论美学的必然结果。 |
关键词: 王国维;存在论思维;感悟诗学 |
From practice subject philosophy to individual survival theory: construction of Wang Guowei’s “empathic poetics” |
HUANG Feidi, YANG Jingjian |
(College of Liberal Arts, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China) |
Abstract: Wang Guowei interpretated “Trusted not lovely, lovely untrustworthy” by using an ontologe philosophy (aesthetics) thiking paradigm, which was based on non-rationalism intuitive theory. It absorbed feeling experience theory and constructed the “empathic poetics”. The thinking paradigm was the corollary originated from the practice of ontological philosophy to the individual survival theory of aesthetics. |
Key words: Wang Guowei; ontologe thinking; Empathic poetics |