自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 借用路线图方法的分析思路,从中国生态补偿制度与政策体系建设现状和问题出发,系统分析了未来5~10年中国生态补偿制度与政策体系的建设需求和目标、核心任务、建设路径以及资源保障。研究表明,中国生态补偿制度与政策体系建设路径应实施多维协同联动、标准化、学科平台、补偿金多渠道等四大战略,并从法律法规、经费投入、信息共享等三个方面来保障战略的实施,以建成符合中国国情、全面覆盖、机制完善、运转高效、持续发展的生态补偿制度与政策体系,推动经济社会全面协调可持续发展,实现中华民族永续发展的建设目标。
关键词: 生态环境;生态补偿制度;政策体系;路线图;规划
The construction path of China’s ecological compensation institution and policy system based on the roadmap method
WANG Xiuqiong, WU Xiaojie
(School of Economics and Commerce, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China;
School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510520, China)
Abstract: Based on the current situation of China’s ecological compensation institution and policy system, the authors use the ideas of the roadmap measure to analyze the needs and goals, core task, path and resource guarantee of the construction of China’s ecological compensation institution and policy system in the next five to ten years. The result shows that in order to achieve the construction of the ecological compensation institution and policy system, China should implement the following four strategies: multidimensional coordination, standardization, construction of discipline platform and multi-channel compensatory payment. In order to guarantee the implementation of these strategies, China should focus on the following three aspects: the promulgation of laws and regulations, the guarantee of funding, and the share of information. Through these measures, the ecological compensation institution and policy system that suit China’s basic conditions so as to achieve universal coverage, operate efficiently, and obtain sustainable development will be constructed, which will promote in an all-round way, coordinated, and sustainable economic and social development and help our nation achieve the goal of sustainable development.
Key words: ecological environment; ecological compensation institution; policy system; roadmap; planning
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