文章编号:1672-3104(2014)05-0160-06 |
西部大开发视角下的地方政府规模膨胀效应测度——基于倍差法的实证研究 |
邵传林 |
(兰州商学院金融学院,甘肃兰州,730020) |
摘 要: 基于中国1985—2011年省级面板数据并采用倍差法测度了西部大开发战略实施对地方政府规模膨胀效应的影响。实证结果表明,与东中部地区相比,西部大开发战略的实施使西部地区地方政府规模的水平值相对于样本平均值增加了20.6~36.4个百分点;不论是考虑其他变量对地方政府规模的影响,或是采用因变量和自变量的不同衡量指标,还是选择不同的政策起始点,并考虑离群值的影响,均表明西部大开发战略的规模膨胀效应是稳健的;开放程度、市场化进程、财政分权等变量均膨胀了地方政府规模,而人均产出和人口增长则对地方政府规模起到压缩作用。 |
关键词: 西部大开发战略;倍差法;地方政府;规模膨胀效应 |
The view of the Western Development to the measure of expansion effect on the scale of local government: difference in differences approach |
SHAO Chuanlin |
(School of Finance, Lanzhou Commercial College, Lanzhou 730020, China) |
Abstract: This paper measures the influence on expansion effect of the scale of local governments based on provincial panel data from 1985 to 2011. The result of empirical research shows that, compared with the middle and east of China, level value of the scale of governments where located in the western region increased by 20.6% and 36.4% relative to sample mean because of western development strategy, and that the expansion effect in the western region is robust when considering the influence from other variables, using different measurement index of the dependent variable and the independent variables, selecting different starting point on policy, some variables including opening degree, marketing process, fiscal decentralization expand the scale of local government, but the output per capita and population growth reduce the scale of local governments. |
Key words: western development strategy; difference in differences; local government; scale expansion effect |