文章编号:1672-3104(2014)04-0232-05 |
近三十年有关四部分类法起源的论争述评 |
董小梅,周国林 |
(华中师范大学历史文化学院,湖北武汉,430079) |
摘 要: 四分法究竟由何人所创,至今未有定论。近三十年来,史学界围绕这个问题展开了激烈的学术争论。这场争论大致可分为两个阶段,前一阶段争论的焦点集中在各家对关键性史料的解读上;后一阶段,各家在论证问题时采用了新的研究方法和新史料,在论证方式和文献运用等方面有突破,并对以往研究进行了反思,学术争论的深度和广度不断扩展。梳理这场学术争论,总结其学术贡献,反思其不足之处,有助于正确划分我国古代目录学史的发展阶段。 |
关键词: 四部分类法;《中经新簿》;目录学史;国学 |
Revision of the debate on the invention of the Four-Part Classification and it’s academic significance |
DONG Xiaomei, ZHUO Guolin |
(College of History and Culture, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China) |
Abstract: The problem that who invented the Four-Part Classification has been in controversy since ancient times. In the last thirty years, this debate has gone through two stages, in which the first was mainly between Huang Youduo, Tang Mingyuan and others, based on the interpretation of historical materials; Zhang Guye and Dong Enlin were the main characters in the latter, who used new literature and new methods to make a new certificate, the depth and breadth of this academic debate continued expansion. If we can comb the academic debate, summarize its academic contribution and re-flect its deficiencies, it would be beneficial to the correct division of different development stages of ancient bibliography history in China. |
Key words: the Four-Part Classification; Zhongjingxinbu; bibliographical history; Chinese classics |