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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: CISG(《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》)规定系任意性规范,允许当事人排除CISG全部或部分内容,以适用当事人约定的法律或约定的权利义务。在合同当事人约定适用我国法律时,此约定表面符合默示排除CISG的适用,最终CISG仍得到适用。这一结果虽始料不及,却符合法律推理逻辑并具有法学理论依据。细究此结果的发生,主要原因系我国条约独特的适用方式。我国对于类似CISG条约的“接受”规定体现在民事基本法中,非如其他国家那样显示于宪法。在当事人实行意思自治并约定适用我国某一特定的民事部门法时,由于CISG包含于约定的民事法律之中,导致CISG的适用。
关键词: CISG;意思自治;默示排除;民法通则;合同法
An analysis of the autonomy of implied exclusion applied to CISG ——from the perspective of the agreement to apply the Chinese law
LIU Tingtao
(School of International Law, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China)
Abstract: The character of the random norm of CISG (United Nations Convention on Contracts for International Sale of Goods) allows the parties to the contract to choose to exclude the application of the whole or part of the CISG, which results in the application of the agreed law or other agreed rights and duties by the contract parties. While the contract parties agree to apply the Chinese law, the agreement seemly in line with the exclusion of CISG does not exclude the application of CISG finally. Although the result is surprising and unexpected, it has the theory basis and its legal reasoning is logical. As the further study of the former result, the main reason is that the specular method of the application of treaty in China, which embodies that the acception of the treaties is regulated in the civil law or in constitution law just as other countries do. As a result, while the contract parties agree to apply a particular civil law, CISG will be included in the applicable law and CISG will be applied.
Key words: CISG; autonomy; implied exclusion; the general principle of civil law; the contract law
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