文章编号:1672-3104(2014)04-0001-08 |
基于价值链视角的保险业声誉价值研究 |
乔海曙,陈梦茜 |
(湖南大学金融与统计学院,湖南长沙,410006) |
摘 要: 现阶段我国保险业声誉不佳、形象不好的问题日益突出,严重制约了保险业的健康发展。基于价值链视角,构建声誉的价值支持系统和保险业的价值链模型,并从价值链模型中的价值创造、价值经营、价值实现三个方面来确定保险业声誉价值的影响因素。通过随机效应模型得到影响保险业声誉价值的影响因素,并将其按重要程度排序依次是市场占有、社会责任披露程度、盈利能力、工作环境、产品与服务质量和财务稳健性。保险业应从这六个方面入手,塑造和提升企业声誉价值,建立以声誉为导向的企业文化。 |
关键词: 保险业;声誉价值;价值链;价值支持系统;影响因素;随机效应模型 |
Research on reputation value of insurance industry from the value chain perspective |
QIAO Haishu, CHEN Mengxi |
(College of Finance and Statistics, Hunan University, Changsha 410006, China) |
Abstract: The problem of poor reputation and bad image in our country’s insurance industry is increasingly prominent, restricting the healthy development of insurance industry seriously. The paper builds the reputation of the support system of value and value chain model of the insurance industry from the value chain perspective, and determines the influence factors of insurance industry reputation value through three aspects of value creation, value management and the value realization. The random effects model is based on the importance degree sorting influence factors are market share, the degree of social responsibility disclosure, profitability, work environment, the quality of products and services and financial soundness. The insurance should shape and promote the value of corporate reputation from the six aspects so as to establish a reputation oriented enterprise culture. |
Key words: insurance industry; value of reputation; value chain; support system of value; influence factor; random effect model |