文章编号:1672-3104(2014)03-0246-06 |
——以浙江金华浦江郑氏为例 |
张会会 |
(东北师范大学历史文化学院,吉林长春,130024) |
摘 要: 明代乡贤传“孝”的书写形式分为两部分,即明代以前孝子的“哭亲守墓”模式与明代孝子的“现世奉养”模式。“哭亲守墓”源于晋唐正史人物传记的书写手法,“现世奉养”则是明代士人对本朝孝子的“形塑”。这两种模式被乡贤传作者整合于一本传记之中,既统一于“孝”又具有各自的时代性。《金华先民传》对浦江郑氏孝义一族的书写正是“孝”表现形式历时性变化的代表 。这种“孝”书写形式的变化,通过乡贤传记的传播及其教化作用影响了明代地方乡里实践。 |
关键词: 明代;乡贤书写;孝;哭亲守墓;现世奉养 |
Text construction and evolution of filiality in Ming Dynasty’s county sage writing |
ZHANG Huihui |
(School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China) |
Abstract: The writing form of “filiality” in Ming dynasty’s county sage biography has been divided into two parts, that is, the model of the filial son’s tomb-keeping before Ming Dynasty and the model of the filiality son’s family-supporting in Ming Dynasty, and the latter form is Ming Dynasty scholars’ shaping towards the filial sons. These two forms were integrated by the writers of the county sage biography into one biography, both unified in “filiality” and had the character of the time. The filiality of Zheng’s family described in Jinhua Xianmin Biography was a representative reflecting the diachronic change in representing forms. The change in the forms of “filiality” writing had influenced the local county’s practice in Ming Dynasty through the transmission and its enlighening effect. |
Key words: Ming Dynasty; county sage writing; filiality; tomb-keeping; family-supporting |