文章编号:1672-3104(2014)03-0168-06 |
文学语境的本质与本体言说 |
徐杰 |
(西南民族大学文学与新闻传播学院,四川成都,610041) |
摘 要: 文学语境与语言学语境在对象和属性上有着差别,因此,文学语境本质是必须从一般人类实践活动下的社会历史语境和作为审美性特殊活动的诗学语境二者的关系之中来区隔的。同时,文学语境在本质之上还存在本体性的维度,只是对文学语境本体性的追思不是从普遍性、永恒性和必然性的形而上学开始的,而是从以“前反思”的、非概念性和超越主客体二分的后形而上学角度进行的。 |
关键词: 文学语境;本质追问;关系性区隔;后形而上言说 |
The nature and ontology of literary context |
XU Jie |
(The College of Literature and Journalism, Southwest University For Nationalities, Chengdu 610041, China) |
Abstract: The nature of literary context appears in the relationship between historical and poetic context. Meanwhile, the literary context owns an ontological dimension naturally. The study of literary context ontology comes from a “pre-reflection”, non-conceptual and post-metaphysical perspective, instead of universal, timeless and metaphysical inevitability. |
Key words: Literary context; pursuing nature; relational segmentation; pataphysics |