文章编号:1672-3104(2014)03-0068-06 |
论学术道德建设的建构主义路径 |
邹晖,李建华 |
(中南大学公共管理学院,湖南长沙,410083) |
摘 要: 学术道德建设的基本路径应当是建构性的。在学术主体上,应弘扬学者学术道德自觉;在学术活动过程中,要进行道德过滤与优化,正确处理学术与市场、学术与权力的关系;在学术境界上,要追求真理与至善。 |
关键词: 学术道德;建构主义;求真;至善 |
The routine of construction mechanism of academic ethics |
ZOU Hui, LI Jianhua |
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: The fundamental routine of academic ethics development should be constructive. Scholars as the academic entity should carry forward ethical autonomy. During the progress of academic activities, filtering and optimization by using ethics is very important. The relationships between academy and market, academy and power should also be handled correctly. In conclusion, the truths and perfect goodness are ultimate pursuit of academy. |
Key words: academic ethics; constructivism; truth-seeking; perfect goodness |