自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 在当前受贿罪的司法认定中,我们一般都只关注到受贿人在“收受贿赂”这一侧面所表现的行为定性和定量问题,而对其在权钱交易的另一侧面,即作为贿赂标的物存在的“渎职弄权”行为却研究甚少。这种侵害公权力行为严重性程度的量化不足将使得我们只能得到行为是否构成受贿罪的定性结论,却无法根据不同的侵害公权力行为严重性程度在量刑上做出有效区分。通过对侵害公权力行为严重性程度量化的可能性、量化标准、立法与司法应用的探讨,以期能有效地解决这一问题。
关键词: 公权力;受贿罪;侵害公权力行为;犯罪程度;量刑标准
Quantitative research on prejudicial act of the public power behavior in Bribery Crime
TONG Chunrong
(School of Graduate Education, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China;
Minhang District People’s Procuratorate of Shanghai, Shanghai 201199, China)
Abstract: In current judicial cognizance of bribery crime, we tend to focus on the behavior of “taking bribery” and the character and quantity of the conduct. But little research has been done into the behavior of “prejudicial act of the public power behavior in bribery crime”. Lack of quantitative to the severity of the behavior of “prejudicial act of the public power behavior in bribery crime”will not prevent us from getting the qualitative conclusions of whether such briberies are crimes, but it can’t continue to provide us standard for measurement of penalty. By exploring the quantitative probabilities of the severity of it, we look for the “seed” of quantifing the characteristics of violations of the public power behaviors. Finally, through distincting four types of violations of the public power behaviors and the legal standard of “legalization”, we try to complete the quantitative research on prejudicial act of the public power behavior in bribery crime.
Key words: public power; bribery crime; prejudicial public power act; quantization; severity of crime; measurement of penalty
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