自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 王阳明心学不仅是哲学的建构,而且是实践的学问。由王阳明心学主要思想中“心即理”、“知行合一”、“致良知”三个方面表明,王阳明心学在实践中主要解决知行关系问题,并着重于个体内心的逆觉体证,转化人心从而安顿生命,因此可以说治心是王阳明心学的主要实践环节。在治心中,王阳明提出四句教的治心方法,针对三种品级采取相应进路,循循渐进,实践可以体会良知的妙用,体验心体之乐,提升与天地万物为一体的境界,人人可以成圣。王阳明治心方法圆融,但有走向情欲横流的危险,而且这种觉民行道的路线理想化,在现实中有较大局限。
关键词: 王阳明;知行合一;良知;治心;私欲;四句教;圆融
Rectifying the mind: the main practice of Wang Yangming’s mind
DONG Jiahe
(Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China)
Abstract: Wang Yangming’s mind is not only the construction of philosophy, but the practice of learning. By Wang Yangming main idea of ​​“mind is Li” “Knowledge and Action” “Conscience” three aspects that Wang Yangming was in practice mainly to solve the problem of the relationship between knowing and he focused on the individual inner perception physical evidence against, thereby transforming people’s settled life, and rectifying the mind is the main practice of Wang Yangming’s mind. Wang Yangming thought that people spiritually got lost because their conscience was blinded by selfishness. He advocated that only by seeking and finding their Mind could people find their way out. He prescribed four teachings methods, taking appropriate devices for three different makings who would progress through different ways. As a result of this rectification, people could experience the magical effect of conscience, the joy of Mind and the mental state of the universe as a whole, and all become saints. Wang Yangming’s the methods of the rectification of the mind is complete and interfused, but there is also the danger of the overflow of selfishness. And this route of making people conscious is idealistic, which has great limitations in the reality.
Key words: Wang Yangming; integration of knowledge and practice; good sense; the rectification of the mind; selfishness; four teaching; complete and interfused
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