自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 两千多年的诗经学历程中,经生注《诗》与理学家说《诗》的结果,使《诗经》逐渐脱离其诗性,而被赋予经学内涵和理学思想,异化为教化工具。《诗》被一代代的诗教“魅影”层层包裹,成为言说政治的载体。基于此,王夫之提出了“以诗解诗”的阐释方法,以诗歌艺术的角度审视《诗经》,体会蕴含其中的情意之美、艺术之美,并以此祛除厚重的《诗经》政治教化之“魅”,从而恢复《诗经》活泼的诗歌生命。“以诗解诗”,不仅是《诗经》研究方法的尝试,亦是推动《诗经》文学阐释进程的动力,在诗经学史上有着十分重要的意义。
关键词: 《诗经》;王夫之;诗经学;以诗解诗;祛魅;
Understanding poems by through poems and the disenchantment of the Book of Songs——the research methods of the Book of Songs by Wang Fuzhi
NA Xiuyan
(College of Humanities, Qinghai Normal University, Xining 810008, China)
Abstract: During the two thousand years on the study of the Book of Songs, the annotation by the pedantic scholars and the interpretation by the moralists make the Book of Songs departed from their poetic features. However, the book is endowed Confucian classic connotation and neo-confucianism thought which alienates the ideas into the tools of enlightenment. The Book of Songs haunted with the moral shadows became the politic carrier. Wang Fuzhi puts forward a hermeneutical method named Understanding Poems through Poems, which surveys the Book of Songs by poetic art, experiencing the beauty affection and art in it and dispelling the political shadows of enlightenment to recovery the lively life of the poem. Understanding Poems through Poems is not only an attempt to conduct the Book of Songs research, but also the power to promote the interpretation of it, which is significant in the history of the study on the Book of Songs.
Key words: Book of Songs; Wang Fuzhi; the study of the Book of Songs; understanding poems through poems; disenchantment
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