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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 司法裁决可接受性理论的提出,主要是充分采纳受众的意见,以在主体间达成基本的司法共识。这符合司法价值取向的实践属性依归。然而,此理论在我国司法行政化语境下遭遇诸多困境,形式上表现为要承受盲从民意或社会效果审判带来的问题批判,实质要害在于此理论是为法外异质因素转化为法内裁决标准提供正当化依据,背离法治论者恪守的“以法律为准绳”理念。采取论辩程序的理性规制与重建司法裁决依据的标准等两种具体优化方案,能够有效地消解理论困境带来的裁决弹性化与不确定性,从而建构出满足受众应对可能生活需要的可接受性裁决。
关键词: 司法裁决可接受性;受众意见;司法公信;裁决弹性化;裁决规范;规则治理
Judicial decisions acceptability: theory, predicament and optimal path
HAN Zhenwen
(Jurisprudence Research Center, East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai 200042, China)
Abstract: The theory of judicial decisions acceptability is put forward, which mainly to fully adopt opinions and attitude of audiences, reach basic judicial consensus between the main body. This conforms to practice attribute’conversion of judicial value orientation. However, the theory has encountered lots of predicament in the context of judicial administrativization. The form is shown that it has to endure the problems caused by blindly following public opinion or trial of social effect of criticism, substantial harm is that this theory provides the justification basis for the ruling of outside heterogeneous factors into law ruling standards ,which departs from the rule of law theorists adhering to “taking the law as the criterion” idea. We should take rational regulation of argument program and reconstruction of judicial decision benchmark, as the two specific optimization schemes, in order to eliminate the flexibility and uncertainty of theoretical dilemma brought with. Therefore, we can well construct the verdict of acceptability meeting the audiences’ needs which may be due to the life.
Key words: judicial decisions acceptability; audiences opinion; judical credit; verdict flexibility; verdict norms; rule governance
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