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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 公民身份是对国家与公民关系的描述,尤其是权利与义务的关系,它是一个建构性的历史概念,其建构受到社会核心价值观的影响。通过历史考察可以看出,不同的核心价值观由于对权利与义务的认识和观点不同,导致对公民身份权责关系的侧重点不同,形成了不同类型的公民身份。但要明确的是,我国的社会核心价值观并不能等同于作为意识形态的社会主义核心价值观,执政党应当发挥党的意识形态的引领作用,形成面向全体公民的、被社会大众普遍认同的、在多元价值观体系中处于主导地位的社会主义核心价值观。社会核心价值观在当代中国公民身份建构中的途径主要包括:在国家层面,充分发挥社会核心价值观对公民身份的制度设计的导向作用;在社会层面,社会核心价值观要积极引导公民社会的良性发展,为公民身份建构提供良好的生长环境和成长空间;在公民层面,主要从公民意识和公民行为两方面的教育着手,使社会核心价值观内化为公民的思想和行为准则。
关键词: 社会核心价值观;公民身份;权利与义务;社会主义核心价值观
On the role of social core values in citizenship construction
FENG Zhouzhuo, ZHONG Hongmin
(School of Public Administration, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Citizenship is the description of the relationship between state and citizens, especially the relationship between rights and obligations, it is a constructive history concept, and its construction is affected by the social core values. Through the study of history we can see that there are different core values because of the different awareness of rights and obligations, and it leads to the different emphasis on the rights and obligations in citizenship, from which the different types of citizenship are formed. But what should be clear is that the social core values in our state may not be equated with socialist core values as ideology, the ruling party should play a leading role in the party’s ideology, forming socialist core values which is for all citizens, so that it can be generally accepted by the public, in a leading position in the pluralistic systems of values. The ways of social core values in the construction of contemporary Chinese citizenship should mainly be as follows. At the state level, they should play the guiding role of the social core values to the institutional design of citizenship; At the society level, the social core values should actively guide the healthy development of civil society, providing good environment and growing space for the construction of citizenship; At the citizens level, they should be available for making social core values internalized as criterions for citizens’ thinking and action mainly from the education of citizen’s thought and behavior.
Key words: social core values; citizenship; rights and obligations; socialist core values
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