自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 土地利用是否合乎城市化进程的客观规律与内在要求,将直接决定城市化成就与否。我国可供利用的土地资源相对缺乏。土地的法律属性为公有制所有制,土地所有权不得转让,但土地使用权可以合法转让。在我国城市化进程中,土地利用存在着城市化等同于城市规模和功能的大而全、城市化等同于农村城市化(城镇化)和农民市民化、征收农业用地是城市化所需土地的唯一来源、城市规模的扩大有利于经济的发展和社会利益最大化等认识误区。我们应在参考借鉴国外相应制度的基础上,采取在条件适合地区推进农地的规模利用;科学规划,严格监控,建立有中国特色的集约用地制度;完善土地的市场定价机制,丰富土地取得方式,实现土地资源的市场化配置等措施,科学利用土地,合理推进城市化进程。
关键词:  土地利用;城市化;制度创新
The misunderstanding of and solution to the land use
in urbanization
XU Jun
(School of Public Management, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,
Nanjing 210044, China)
Abstract:  The achievement of urbanization is depended on the use of land, which complies with the law of urbanization. The land available in our country is relatively insufficient. The land is characterized by a legal quality called “public ownership”. The ownership of the land cannot be transferred, but the use right can be transferred legally. In the process of urbanization in our country, some misunderstandings exist: the urbanization is equal to the large scale, the multifunction of the city, the urbanization of the country, and civilization of the son of the soil; the exclusive source of the land which is needed in the process of urbanization is land expropriation; and the enlargement of the city scale promotes the development of the economy and the maximization of the social benefit. What we should do is to use the land in proper area; establish the system of the intensive using of the land with Chinese characteristics by rationally planning and strictly controlling the utilization; improve the system of land-market-set prices; amplify the acquisition fashion of the land; realize the marketization of the use of the land.
Key words:  the use of land; urbanization; system innovation
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