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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 朱光潜在成都一年多的时间,影响了他后来的学术和人生。他在成都的经历,最关键的是社会身份发生了重大改变,由原来的书斋学者、教授一变而成为四川大学文学院院长,使得他更多地从事实际的人事工作,也使得他在教育部以程天放取代张颐为四川大学校长时,以领袖姿态率众而起,反对程天放到校,掀起了一场影响很大的风潮。这场风潮既使国民党的高层如蒋介石、张群、陈立夫注意到他,也使延安负责文艺、宣传的周扬等人注意到他。国民党高层注意到他,是他后来成为国民党中央监察委员,并在1940年代后半期,发表激烈政论,反对学生运动的重要原因,也是引起共产党方面如郭沫若、邵荃麟、蔡仪对他进行严厉批判的间接原因。所以,1950年代初,他是北京大学进行思想改造中的重点对象。朱光潜在成都的经历,对于他的学术历程有一定的界标意义,此前,他的学术主要受主导学术话语之影响,此后,更多地受到主流意识形态的影响。
关键词: 朱光潜;成都;风潮;学术历程
An analysis of Zhu Guangqian’s experience in Chengdu and its influence on Zhu Guang-qian’s academic life
WANG Youxin
(Literature College of Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Zhu Guangqian had lived in Chengdu for more than one year, which influenced his later academic life. During those days, the most critical thing for Zhu Guangqian was the change of his social identity from scholar, professor to dean of the liberal arts college in Sichuan University, which caused him to take more part in the practical personnel work and lead people against Cheng Tianfang’s coming into Sichuan University when the Ministry of Education appointed Cheng to replace Zhang Yi as the president of Sichuan University. The above far-reaching unrest launched by Zhu Guangqian not only made the high-ranking officials of KMT, such as Chiang Kaishek, Zhang Qun and Chen Lifu, who paid close attention to him, but also made Zhou Yang who was in charge of the work concerning literature and education in Yan An to notice him. The KMT leadership’s notice of Zhu Guangqian was the important cause for his later appointment a member of the KMT Central Supervising Committee and he made intense political comments against the student movement in the late 1940s, and also was the indirect cause for Zhu Guangqian to incur harsh criticism from the CPC, such as Guo Moruo, Shao Quanlin and Cai Yi. Therefore, in the early 1950s, he was the focus of thought reform in Peking University. Therefore, Zhu Guangqian’s experience in Chengdu was the landmark in his academic career. Before the experience, Zhu Guang-qian’s academic work was mainly influenced by the dominant academic discourse, but, more by the impact of the mainstream ideology later. This paper analyzes the process in details.
Key words: Zhu Guangqian; Chengdu; Unrest; academic expericnce
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