自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 南京大屠杀是中华民族记忆中不可承受之重,作为史无前例的民族伤痛,其残酷、暴虐已经超出了人类的想象极限。但是,这不应成为我国作家书写和言说的禁忌与逃避的借口。美籍华裔作家严歌苓、哈金迎难而上,各自推出了《金陵十三钗》和《南京安魂曲》,在艺术和思想上都有可圈可点之处。通过深入两部小说的内部,细致分析它们的开头、叙述者的设定、语言和叙事上的特点,在比较和参照(西方二战题材的“创伤小说”)中,揭示两者背后的思想潜设与伦理指向,对它们的成就和不足进行了思考。
关键词: 《金陵十三钗》;《南京安魂曲》;南京大屠杀;创伤小说;开头;叙述者
How Literature Touches upon History?
-A Narrative Analysis of Nanjing Massacre in The Flowers of War and Nanjing Requiem
GUO Quanzhao, BU Lili
(The School of Chinese Language and Literature of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: The Nanjing Massacre, which was committed brutality and atrocity beyond human imagination, has been an unprecedented national wound and unbearable heaviness for the Chinese people. But this should not be a taboo of speech and excuse of evasion for the Chinese writers. Two Chinese American authors, Yan Geling and Ha Jing, bravely took on the challenge and turned out their novels The Flowers of War and Nanjing Requiem respectively. Both are worthy of remarking and praising in art and thought. This paper delves into the depth of the two novels and makes a detailed analysis of their beginnings, their assignment of the narrator and the characteristics of their language and narrative. And through comparison and reference (of the foreign Trauma Fiction on WWⅡ), it also discloses the ideological implications and ethical intentions of the two novels in question. Moreover, it offers some independent ideas on the achievement and the insufficiency of the two.
Key words: The Flowers of War, Nanjing Requiem; Nanjing Massacre; Trauma Fiction; beginning; narrator
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