文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0243-04 |
语篇连贯性的建立与接受 |
薛小英 |
(中南大学外国语学院,湖南长沙,410075) |
摘 要: 语篇的产生和理解是交际双方共同协作的过程。连贯性不仅是语言使用者在建构语篇时赋予语篇的属性,还与语篇接受者的诠释有密切的关系。语言使用者应用三种机制促进语篇连贯:话题理论、主位推进和衔接手段,三种机制各有侧重、互为补充。语篇接受者对连贯性的诠释是一个动态的认知过程、与语境知识密切相关。鉴于口头话语本身固有的特点,合作原则和副语言特征对话语连贯起到了至关重要的作用。 |
关键词: 语篇连贯;话题理论;主位推进;衔接手段;语境知识;口头话语 |
Construction and Interpretation of Textual Coherence |
XUE Xiaoying |
(College of Foreign Languages, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China) |
Abstract: Production and interpretation of a text involve a process which needs co-operation between text producer and text receptor. Textual coherence is not only an important property endowed by the text producer but also closely related to the interpretation of the text receptor. This paper discusses three mechanisms of textual coherence: topic theory, thematic progression and cohesive devices. The interpretation of the text receptor is a dynamic cognitive process in which contextual knowledge plays an important role. The paper holds the view that cooperative principles and paralinguistic features are of much help in the coherence of an oral text. |
Key words: textual coherence; cohesive devices; contextual knowledge; an oral text |