自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 目前艺术管理理论框架的构建存在分析过程与分析结论前后矛盾、行政管理与产业管理截然分开等等缺陷,基于已有的宏观艺术管理、中观艺术管理、微观艺术管理、渺观艺术管理等艺术管理的具体内容,从管理学视角提出基于艺术管理作用范围大小的理论框架;从艺术学视角提出基于艺术门类的艺术管理理论框架。分析对比两种框架的特点,将两种框架融合,最终确立了复合型艺术管理理论框架。
关键词: 艺术管理;管理学;艺术学;理论框架
Defects and Restructuring of Theoretical Framework of
Arts Management
WANG Xijun, LI Jingming
(School of Architecture and Art Central South University, Changsha, 410083, China)
Abstract: An analysis of formation of arts management theoretical framework serves to provide the basis for arts management, a newly emerging and complicated subject for its development. There are some defects in existing research on formation of theoretical framework of arts management. This paper proceeds from querying the existing theoretical framework of arts management, analyzes some concrete contents, such as, macroscopic arts management, the middle arts management, microcosmic arts management and ultra arts management, and proposes theoretical framework of arts management based on scope of the function of arts management from the perspective of science of management as well as theoretical framework of arts management based on classification of arts from the perspective of art theory. It also makes a contrast analysis of both frameworks through their characteristics and advantages. Compound-type theoretical framework of arts management is established finally by integration of the two frameworks, which is helpful to make clear the thoughts of the development of arts management.
Key words: Arts Management; Science of Management; Art Theory; Theoretical Framework
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