自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 天花藏主人是明末清初才子佳人小说作家中的代表人物,以往的学者多关注的是他的婚姻观、爱情观、才情观,而对他创作思想中的矛盾和造成这种矛盾的原因关注极少。实际上,天花藏主人维护正统“名教”的思想与大胆的婚姻观念相矛盾;“缘出于天”的思想与才子佳人主动寻求婚姻的行为相矛盾;才子科甲高中的同时又被举荐与帝王的理想,与自身现实的贫困、落魄、无人举荐相矛盾。而造成天花藏主人创作中的思想矛盾,又与晚明以来社会文化思潮、自身对自然和社会的认识、生活的窘迫等息息相关,这些思想矛盾不仅反映了明末清初“士人”的精神失落,更体现了底层知识分子的道德意识、伦理诉求与爱情观念的新变。
关键词: 天花藏主人;创作思想;名教;天命;科举
New exploration of Tianhuazang Master’s creative thinking
LIU Xuelian
(Literary academy, Heilongjiang University, Haerbing, Heilongjiang 150080)
Abstract: Master Tianhuazang was the representative of Genius and Beauty novel writers in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. Previous scholars paid more attention to his view on marriage, love, and artistic talent, while little attention was paid to the contraction of his creative thinking and the reasons that had caused the contraction. In fact, Master Tianhuazang’s thinking of maintaining orthodox Confucian ethical code and bold view on marriage was in conflict; The thinking of ‘fate predetermined by God’ and the behavior of the genius and beauty’s actively pursuing marriage were in conflict; The gifted scholar’s ideal of being recommended to emperor when passing the imperial examination and his situation of being poor, abjection, and no recommendation were also in conflict. The reason causing the contradiction in Master Tianhuazang’s creation was also closely related to each other in many aspects, such as the social and cultural ideas since late Ming Dynasty, his own understanding of nature and society, and his life distress. These contradictions of thinking not only reflected the spirit lost of ‘the intellectuals’ in late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, but also embodied the new changes of moral consciousness, ethics demands, and love concept of the intellectuals in lowest classes of the society.
Key words: Master Tianhuazang; Creative thinking; Confucian ethical code; fate; imperial examination
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