文章编号:1672-3104(2011)06-0055-05 |
从自然美经艺术美到哲学美 |
朱长兵 |
(吉林大学哲学社会学院,吉林长春,130012) |
摘 要: 从形式与内容统一角度,黑格尔认为美是理念的感性显现。自然美由于只有感性形式而无内容,因而自然美不算真正的美;艺术美在古典类型中虽然达到了内容和形式的统一,但由于在艺术中,形式毕竟是有限的,因而艺术所表达的内容也只能是有限的,艺术无法显现无限的绝对理念;无限的绝对理念只有哲学才能表达,尽管哲学是逻辑体系,但逻辑与感性是不可分的,哲学具有间接的感性形式,因而也可视哲学为理念的感性显现,从而哲学是一种美——哲学美。 |
关键词: 黑格尔;自然美;艺术美;哲学美;绝对理念 |
From natural beauty, to artistic beauty, to the philosophic beauty ——the logical path of Hegel’s esthetics |
ZHU Changbing |
(College of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China) |
Abstract: From the perspective of unity of form and content Hegel thinks that beauty is perceptual appearance of ideal. Natural beauty is not genuine beauty since it has only perceptual form without the content. Artistic beauty in the classical type achieves the unity of content and form. The form in art, however, is limited, so artistic the content is, thus art is unable to show the infinite absolute idea; The infinite absolute idea is expressed only through philosophy. Although Hegel’s philosophy is a logical system, the logic and perception are inseparable, thus the philosophy has an indirect perceptual form. Therefore, Hegel’s philosophy is seen as perceptual appearance of ideal. Thus, Hegel’s philosophy is a kind of beauty ——philosophic beauty |
Key words: Hegel; natural beauty; artistic beauty; philosophic beauty; absolute idea |