自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 诞生于20世纪六七十年代的西方新公共行政学针对传统的公共行政研究提出检验与批判,其研究的立足点在于价值面的讨论,通过关注合法性、正义、伦理、参与等价值内涵,重构公共行政的哲学基础和价值体系。在新公共行政学者看来,纯粹的价值中立是不存在的,对行政问题避免做出价值判断的做法不仅使管理者远离合法性,而且远离社会需求。新公共行政学强调行政管理者应该以其专业知识从事价值判断,使它们为社会所用,公共行政应回归到以自身价值为主体的地位,并形成以社会公平为核心,民主、责任、效率并存的价值体系。新公共行政学使政府开始重视与外部环境的关系,开始面对实际问题,重新正视政府服务对象的地位和需求,并要求把公众的需求作为行政体系运转的轴心,从而赋予政府功能新的定位并影响了政府职能的履行方式,为近半世纪以来的公共行政发展奠定了良好的基础。
关键词: 新公共行政;价值回归;公平正义;公民参与;行政伦理
Reflection and reconstruction of values in public administration
——comments on the views of the new western public administration
(School o f Public Management, Shandong University of Finance and Economics, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: The New Western Public Administration proposed inspection and criticism of the traditional public administrative study and based its research standpoint on the discussion of value level. It rebuilt the philosophy foundation and value system of public administration by focusing on the value connotations of legitimacy, justice, ethics and participation. In the opinion of the New Western Public Administration scholars, pure value-neutrality in public administration doesn’t exist, and the concept that avoid making value judgments would make administrators far from the legitimacy as well as the social needs. The New Western Public Administration stresses that administrators should make value judgments depending on their professional knowledge, so as to enable them to be used for the society. The New Western Public Administration argues that public administration should return to the position of achieving its own values and a value system which take the social equity as the core value and coexist with others values such as democracy, responsibility, and efficiency should be constructed. Its pursuit of social equity and the democratic administration values as well as its proposition of responding to the public positively has exerted important influence on the research of public administration and government management practice. The New Western Public Administration has made the government begin to attach importance to relations with the external environment, to face real problems and to re-address the status and needs of the object of governmental services. It also requested that the need of the public should be regarded as the axis of the functioning administrative system, giving the government functions a new position and influencing the performance of governmental functions. It lays a good foundation for the development of public administration for nearly half a century.
Key words: new western public administration; value regression; justice and fairness; citizen participation; administrative ethics
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