自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 人们生活的场域可分为哲学和政治两大基本区域。因此,历史从某种意义上说是哲学与政治之间的博弈史。历史表明,政治哲学表现为哲学和政治之间的错位关系。东西方哲学和政治之间错位关系表现形式不同;以苏格拉底为例,西方政治哲学的错位关系表现为政治对哲学的僭越,故其任务是为哲学辩护;以孔子为例,中国政治哲学的错位关系体现为哲学对政治的代庖,故其任务是为政治回护。鉴于东西方政治哲学的各自缺陷,未来政治哲学的发展应在哲学、政治保持自身独立性的基础上,保持双方的对话关系,从而促进哲学、政治的更好发展。
关键词: 哲学;政治;政治哲学;苏格拉底;孔子
Paradox between politics and philosophy——Taking Confucius and Socrates as an example
Ma Ji
(Department of Politics and Law, Zhangzhou Normal University, Zhangzhou 363000, china)
Abstract: The social contexts in which human beings are living can be classified into two categories: political one and philosophical one. History, in a way, is one of the game-like developments between politics and philosophy. The paradoxical relationships between the Occidental and Oriental (China’s) political-philosophical fields manifest themselves quite differently. For the Occidental one, this paper takes Socrates’ political ideas as an example to show that the Occidental political-philosophical relationship lies mainly in political power overpowering the corresponding philosophical ideas, so the task of the Occidental political behaviors is to speak for its corresponding philosophical ideas. For China’s one, this paper takes Confucius political ideas as an example to expose that China’s political-philosophical relationship lies mainly in that the philosophical behaviors are for the political ones. So its existence is to speak for the corresponding political ideas. Since there are shortcomings in both Occidental and China’s political-philosophical relationships, it is suggested that for their future developments, politics and philosophy should interact with each other on the basis of their own independence.
Key words: philosophy; politics; political-philosophical; Socrates; Confucius
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