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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 接受理论与解构主义的阅读理论构成了西方20世纪后期文学理论中一次鲜明的理论转向。在这一理论转向中,读者这一以往备受忽视的要素一跃成为文学四要素中的主导因素,从而掀起了阅读理论中的一场读者革命。虽然,接受理论与解构主义在阅读理论中有许多共性,但是,其差异亦同样明显,具体展现在三个方面:第一,接受理论将作者看作读者阅读的合作者,而解构主义的阅读则绝然地否定作者的存在;第二,接受理论强调阅读作品是要体现读者的创造性并最终确认一种意义,而解构主义则把阅读看作是读者解构文本符码的能指游戏;第三,接受理论十分强调阅读的历史语境,而解构主义的阅读理论则表现出一种超历史语境与反人文性的游戏姿态。这三组差异的比较,揭示了接受理论与解构主义是两种不同范式的阅读理论。
关键词: 接受理论;解构主义;阅读理论
The differentiations in reading between reception theory and deconstruction
LI Xinliang
(School of Chinese Studies, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)
Abstract: Reception theory and Reading theory of deconstruction constituted the theory direction change of western literary theory in the late 20th century. In the literature theory direction change, the role of reader has been changed from the neglected one in the past to the dominant factor of four elements in literature, and as a result the direction change set off a reader revolution in reading theory. Although reception theory has similarities to deconstruction in reading theory, the differentiations are also obvious, specifically in the following three aspects: First, reception theory regarded the author as a partner of the reader, but the deconstruction theory absolutely denied the existence of the reader. Second, reception theory emphasized that reading should reflect the creativity of readers and confirm the meaning of works, but deconstruction regarded reading as a signifier game which the reader deconstructed intertextual code. Third, reception theory extremely emphasized the historical context of reading, but reading theory of deconstruction showed a game posture of super-historical context and anti-humanity. The comparison among the three groups above revealed that reception theory and deconstruction were two different paradigms of reading theory.
Key words: reception theory; deconstruction; reading theory
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