文章编号:1672-3104(2011)03-0180-05 |
论话剧对戏曲舞台写意时空观的影响 |
王馨蔓 |
(南京大学文学院,江苏南京,210093) |
摘 要: 话剧与戏曲是中国戏剧艺术的双璧,作为舞台艺术,话剧对戏曲舞台时空观的影响呈现出曲折的特点。从舞台的物理时空、表演时空、心理时空三个层面进行剖析论述,比较话剧与戏曲在三个舞台时空观念层面上的同与异,论述话剧导演加入到戏曲舞台的创作实践,揭示出话剧舞台的写实时空元素渗透进戏曲舞台写意时空观的影响轨迹,对于当代戏曲的发展具有重要的意义和价值。 |
关键词: 话剧;戏曲;写意;物理时空;表演时空;心理时空 |
Study on the Influence of Chinese Spoken Drama on
Freehand Space-time View of Traditional Opera Stage |
WANG Xinman |
(School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China) |
Abstract: Spoken drama and traditional opera are two important theatrical artistic forms in China. There are differences within the similarity and similarities within the difference between them on stage space-time view at three artistic levels: physical space-time, performing space-time and psychological space-time. In the development of spoken drama in the 20th century, it has constantly brought realistic expressions into the freehand characteristics of space-time view of opera stage. Chinese opera completed it’s transformation from the traditional esthetic style toward modernistic esthetic character. |
Key words: Spoken Drama; Traditional Opera; Free hand; physical space-time; performing space-time; psychological space-time |