文章编号:1672-3104(2011)03-0154-04 |
论李劼人小说中的民国蜀地匪盗想象 |
罗维 |
(湖南警察学院基础课部,湖南长沙,410138;北京师范大学文学院,北京,100875) |
摘 要: 现代作家李劼人有一系列以民国时期四川匪盗为题材的小说。和传统文学中的匪盗想象有所不同,他的匪类题材小说没有侠匪义盗的浪漫表现,作为“为人生而艺术”的现实主义创作,它们严肃而具有批判性,完全是时代的反映、文学的自觉,体现了新文学关于“人的文学”的理念追求,尤其是代表作《死水微澜》历史地反思了匪性精神作为民间文化力量在历史转型时期所具有的社会意义。 |
关键词: 李劼人;民国时期;《死水微澜》;匪盗;四川袍哥 |
The bandit imagination about Sichuan in
the fictions of the modern writer Li Jieren |
LUO Wei |
(Department of Basic Theory Course, Hunan PoliceAcademy, Changsha 410138, China;
Language and Literature academy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) |
Abstract: The modern writer Li Jieren has written a series of novels about the Sichuan bandits during Republic of China. His bandit imagination isn’t legendary and romantic but is serious and critical. As a realistic creation, these novels are entirely a reflection of times, reflects the idea of new literature on the “human literature”. Especially his masterpiece “Dead Water Ripples” reflecting that the bandit sprit as the folk culture power has a special social significance of the transition period in history. |
Key words: LI Jieren; bandit imagination; Sichuan Paoge |