自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 美国当代著名小说家约翰·厄普代克《兔子,跑吧》中有三个意象:一个是力求挣脱“外界环境”束缚的主人公意象:“兔子”,象征着主人公是一个战战兢兢、唯唯诺诺、一事无成的平庸小人物;一个是不断寻求、企图救赎的意象:“跑”,“跑”包含着逃避和寻求两个层面;一个是深陷其中、无法逃离的意象:“网”,在逃避和寻求的过程中,兔子陷入“网”中,暗示了逃离上帝的日子里,人类失去了希望和出路。这三个意象是厄普代克对美国社会的深入体察和对主人公哈里不同层面矛盾冲突的精准把握而着力构建的。
关键词: 美国小说;约翰·厄普代克;“兔子”四部曲;《兔子,跑吧》;中产阶级
A Brief Study of the Three Images and Their Origin in “Rabbit, Run”
GUO Dingqin, SONG Defa
(Foreign Languages Department, Changsha Social Work College, Changsha 410004, China;
Literature and Journalism College, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)
Abstract: There are three images in Rabbit, Run, a masterpiece of the famous U.S. novelist John ·Updike. The first one is “Rabbit’, an image of the hero who strives to escape the bondage of the “outside environment”, which indicates that the hero is a timid, obsequious nobody accomplished, nothing but who will never stop seeking for salvation. The second one is “Running”, an image with both the meaning of escaping and seeking. The third one is “Net”, an image in which the hero is fallen so deeply than can’t escape. The three images were constructed with Updike’s close observation of U.S. society and extractive grasping about Harry, the hero’s different conflictions, which points out that the irreconcilable contradiction between social turbulence of the time and individual is the origin of those images.
Key words: American novel; John Updike; Tetralogy of “Rabbit”; Rabbit Run; Middle class
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