文章编号:1672-3104(2004)01-0117-06 |
我国企业专利发展战略新探 |
王小飞 |
(湖南科技大学期刊社,湖南湘潭,411201) |
摘 要: 我国专利领域面临严峻考验与危机,入世过程中的法律移植使专利法律制度快速成熟,而理应作为专利权核心主体的企业在专利意识、专利人才、专利创造、专利保护等方面的现状却相当稚嫩,极不利于应对专利法制化条件下的知识经济与经济全球化。企业的当务之急就是制定与实施实事求是的专利发展战略,从专利意识的培育、人力资源的运作模式、专利存量的保护与利用、专利增量的原始取得与继受取得等方面形成企业的专利特色,力求改变在国际竞争中的劣势地位与被动局面,获得应有的发展空间。 |
关键词: 企业专利;专利增量;专利存量 |
On the developing strategy of China’s enterprises’patents |
WANG Xiao-fei |
(Editorial Office of Social Science, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China) |
Abstract: Patent area of our country is facing great challenge and crisis. The patent law system has been mature with China′s access into the WTO. The enterprises have a main part to play in market economy. The present situations of enterprises are far from the requirements of knowledge economy and the globalization of economy, due to the absence of ideology, human resource, creativity and protection of patent. Thus enterprises should make and carry out stick-to-facts patent development strategies to change the inferiority complexions. |
Key words: enterprises’patents; future patents; existing patents |