文章编号:1672-3104(2007)01-0039-05 |
司法审判的《易经》探源——革卦新解 |
桑东辉 |
(黑龙江大学法学院,黑龙江哈尔滨, 150080) |
摘 要: 一般人认为《周易》革卦是讲“革命”的,认为革卦的卦义含有变革、革命的义蕴。但具体考证,革命一说乃《易传》对革卦的发挥,革卦本义中并没有革命的意思。《易经》革卦主要是关于司法审判的筮例。 |
关键词: 《易经》;革卦;司法审判 |
A new explanation about Hexagram “Ge”in Zhou Yi |
SANG Donghui |
(Law School of Heilongjiang University,Harbin 150080,China) |
Abstract: About the primitive meaning of the hexagram Ge, lots of people consider it as the meaning of revolution, and believe that it contains the meaning of transform and revolution. The author makes a serious study and finds that the meaning of revolution from Yi Zhuan wasn’ the primitive meaning of the hexagram Ge, while justice is the primitive meaning. |
Key words: Yi Jing; Hexagram Ge; judicial judgement |