文章编号:1672-3104(2004)01-0071-05 |
晚清社会与晚清思潮 |
郭汉民 |
(湘潭大学哲学与历史文化学院,湖南湘潭,411105) |
摘 要: 晚清时期中国社会开始向近代转型,资本主义经济的产生与发展、西学的输入与传播,是近代思想发展的两大前提。救亡图存与争取国家富强成为先进中国人思考的核心问题,社会的剧烈变化,又促使人们的思想此呼彼应,形成云涌风起的社会思潮,百余年间社会思潮的主流沿着经世———变革———洋务———维新———立宪与革命的轨迹发展演变。 |
关键词: 晚清社会;近代思想;社会思潮 |
Late Qing society and it′s trend of thoughts |
GUO Han-ming |
(The History and Culture Department of Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, Chian) |
Abstract: China was beginning to change from traditional to modern society in Late Qing because of the prouduction and development of the capitalism economy and the western knowledge, which were the two most important premises to develope the modern thoughts.The key subject that the advanced chinese thought about was saving the nation from subjugation and ensuring its survival and making it prosperous and strong.The quick change of the society compelled their thoughts to affect each other,forming a tremendous social trend. The main social trend of thought in Late Qing developed from construction to transformation to westernization to modernization to constitution and Revolution,when the development became faster,it was more characteristic of modernization. In a word, the development of the social trend of thought reflected the change of the society. |
Key words: Late Qing society; the thoughts of modern times; the social trend of thought |