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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 主张妇女应放弃平等的就业权利的观点是不可取的;主张妇女应拥有与男子在结果上平等的就业权利的观点符合社会公正的要求,但在市场经济条件下缺少有效的实现机制;主张妇女应拥有与男子在机会上平等的就业权利的观点符合市场经济的操作规程,但由于妇女劳动力存在性别成本等方面的原因,它必然会导致男女就业在结果上的不平等,有违社会公正。只有通过努力扩大社会经济规模,提高妇女的劳动素质,开发适合妇女就业的岗位,积极鼓励妇女自主创业,消除雇主的性别歧视,建立性别成本的社会分摊制度等途径,才能在坚持机会均等的原则条件下,最大限度地实现男女就业在结果上平等的目标。
关键词: 市场经济;妇女就业;机会平等;结果平等;性别成本
On the mechanism of practising women equal
employment right under market economy
YUAN Le-ping
(School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: It’s not advisable to hold that women should give up the right to enjoy equality with men in employment. The view women should enjoy outcome equality with men conforms to the requirement of society justice , but there is no system under market economy condition to practice it effectively. In accordance with the operation procedures and regulations of market economy is the notion that women should have the right to enjoy opportunity equality with men in employment . However, due to the fact that there exists sex cost for women labor force and some other facts, there is bound to be an outcome inequality in men and women employment.Therefore, only by striving to increase the scale of society economy, improving the quality of women as laborforce, creating posts suitable for women, encouraging women to set up their own business , getting rid of sex discrimination of employer and establishing a system where sex cost is shared by society can we achieve the ideal gaal, on the condition that we stick to the principle of opportunity equality ,to the greatest extent, outcome equality of men and women in employment.
Key words: market economy; women employment; opportunity equality; outcome equality; sex cost
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