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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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李亚平1, 2,范学工1, 2,梁莉2,邓声莉2,胡卫锋2
(1. 中南大学公共卫生学院,湖南长沙,410008;
2. 中南大学第一临床学院,湖南长沙,410008)
摘  要: 八年制医学博士教育是我国医学教育国际化进程的重要改革举措,与世界发达国家如美国成功的八年制医学博士教育相比,我国的八年制医学教育发展规模较小,发展历程短,许多方面还有待完善和改进。应当借鉴发达国家医学高等教育的发展经验,全面调研我国八年制教育现况,完善我国八年制培养模式;及时调整不合理的培养模式;实施定期评估政策,有效保证我国八年制教育的质量。
关键词: 中美教育比较;八年制;医学博士;医学教育
A comparison and revelation of history of developing MD education
(8 years) between P.R.C and U.S.A.
LI Yaping, FAN Xuegong, LIANG Li, DENG Shengli, HU Weifeng
(The Public Health School, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China)
Abstract: MD education (8 years) is an important act in the reform of the internationalization of medical education in our country. Compared with developed countries such as the United States, the scale of development of eight-year medical education system in our country is small and its history of development is short. There are many aspects that should be improved. Our government should draw experiences from the developed countries in medical higher education and improve the training mode of MD education (8 years), and the researcher should study the present station of MD education (8 years) and adjust unreasonable cultivating model, as well as implement assesses regularly in order to guarantee educational quality of MD education (8 years) in our country.
Key words: Comparison of China and the United States Education; 8 years system; MD education; Medical education
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