文章编号:1672-3104(2010)01-0112-06 |
——基于克拉克教授《高等教育系统》的思考 |
钟华明,陈卓 |
(浙江警察学院继续教育学院,浙江杭州,310053) |
摘 要: 伯顿·克拉克教授的《高等教育系统——学术组织的跨国研究》以其独特的视角和研究方法受到研究者的重视,其关于大学目的的思想对于今天中国的大学改革仍具有批判价值与借鉴意义。结合中国近代大学的发展经验,从大学目的的“自然模糊性”与“追求真理”的关系、大学目的与大学组织的关系、大学目的与大学现实的关系解读大学目的,对今天中国的大学改革不无裨益。 |
关键词: 大学目的;“自然模糊性”;大学组织;大学现实 |
Rethinking of the Goals of Universities
—In view of Burton Clark’s The Higher Education System |
ZHONG Huaming, CHEN Zhuo |
(College of Education of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310053, China) |
Abstract: The Higher Education System——Academic organization in cross-national perspective, is valued because of its special perspectives and methodology. His thoughts on the goals of universities can still be instructive for China’s universities reforms today. The implication is that we interpret the goals of universities in view of the following aspects: the relationship between the “originally vague” and “truth-pursuing” characteristics of the goals of universities, the relationship between the goals and organizations of universities, the relationship between the goals and reality of universities. |
Key words: the goals of universities; originally vagueness; university organizations; university reality |