自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 伦理道德对企业的技术创新有巨大的支撑作用,具体表现在:企业道德水平的提升有利于技术创新效率的提高;企业的优良品格能促进技术创新的言传知识和意会知识的转化;优良的道德环境能协调和引导技术创新的价值追求;社会组织的伦理道德能为技术创新提供行为规范;企业伦理能为技术创新提供精神力量;伦理道德能为技术创新提供良好的社会形象。
关键词: 技术创新;企业伦理;人文精神;德性规范;民主管理
On the ethical promotion on technology innovation
YAN Feng, HU Guanghua
(Political College, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: Ethical support for technological innovation manifests in: the promotion of business ethics being conducive to the boosting of the technological innovation efficiency; good character and morals of the company enhancing the transformation of articulate and tacit knowledge of the technological innovation; a suitable moral environment coordinating and guiding the value pursuit of the technological innovation; ethics of the social organization providing a kind of moral codes of the technology innovation; business ethics providing moral strength for the technological innovation; ethics providing a good social image for the technological innovation. The spirit of the company, such as team-work, effectiveness and excellence, focuses on that company believes that the technological innovation is its inner momentum and fundamental source for its development. The spirit further enriches and develops the ethical meanings of the technological innovation. Human spirit highlights that the material and spiritual needs of people push forward the technological innovation, and which, in turn technological innovation provides the spiritual contemplation of the human mind. The good interaction between technological innovation and human being inspires that people are self-consciousness and relentless pursuit of technological innovation and then gives the fundamental driving force for it. Social capital accumulation based on the good faith and the related system, and the virtue specifications can also promote the technological innovation. Democratic management and a kind of tolerant atmosphere have become the virtue tractions of the technological innovation.
Key words: technological innovation; business ethics; human spirit; moral norms; democratic management
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