自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 伴随着我国经济体制的转轨,自1979年以来,中国经济法学迄今走过了三十年的发展历程,经济法学基础理论研究也经历了两个重要阶段。文章具体分析了从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的宏大历史背景下我国经济法学的嬗变与新生,概括了以“国家调节理论”为代表的新理论在对我国长期居于主导地位的大经济法观点进行反思的基础上,对中国经济法学成长与日趋成熟的导引和促进作用,并初步探讨了经济法学基础理论研究的未来之路,以期当前中国经济法学能鉴往知来,多一份冷静和理智迎接新的挑战和机遇。
关键词: 计划经济;市场经济;中国经济法学;传统经济法观点;国家调节理论
Thirty years of economic transition: the evolution and rebirth
of economic law of China
SUN Jin,   WANG Jing, ZHAI Meng
(School of Law, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China)
Abstract: Along with the transition of China's economic system, China's economic law has developed for nearly thirty years and its basic theory has also experienced two important stages. This article analyzed in detail the evolution and rebirth of China’s economic law under the great historical background of the transition from a planned to a market、oriented market-oriented economy system; outlined the guiding and promoting function of the new theories represented by “state regulation theory“ to the development and increasing maturity of China’s economic law on the basis of the reflection on the theory of extensive economic law which had been prevailing in our country for a long time; and initially discussed the future road of the research on the basic theory of economic law in our country in the hope that current economic law of China can foresee the future by drawing lessons from the past so as to keep calm and rational to face the new opportunities and challenges.
Key words: planned economy; market economy; Economic Law of China; traditional economic law perspective; state regulation theory
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