文章编号:1672-3104(2010)01-0065-08 |
侦查阶段律师帮助:法规梳理与司法实践考察 |
陈海平 |
(燕山大学文法学院,河北秦皇岛,066004) |
摘 要: 我国确立侦查阶段律师帮助制度十多年来,立法机关积极推进出台了一系列新规范,实务部门抵制过多,导致落实不力。侦查阶段律师帮助的现实是:法律规范和司法实践分野颇大,立法规范上进步不小,但还需完善;司法实践中执行走样亟待落实;律师在侦查阶段的应有权利于法无据、既有权利难以落实而依然难有作为。侦查阶段律师帮助制度的完善,需要从立法规范和制度实践两方面着力推进。 |
关键词: 侦查阶段;律师帮助;立法规范;制度实践 |
On lawyers′ aid in investigation in China |
CHEN Haiping |
(College of Humanities and Law, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China) |
Abstract: A series of new regulations have been advanced and promoted by legislature organizations, since having the system of lawyers’ aid in investigation for over ten years, while the effect is unsatisfied because the substantive departments resist to practise. The fact is that conflict between legal standard and judicial practice is still drastic, which should be consummated in the legal standard although a great advances; Awry execution of judicial practice needs to fall into place; Lawyer’s rights in investigation are unwarranted or beyond factitive. Therefore, perfecting the system of lawyers aids in investigation requires to promote the legal norm and system practice. |
Key words: investigation stage; lawyers aid; legal norm; practice of system |