文章编号:1672-3104(2009)06-0052-05 |
近代中国官办法律教育人才培养模式及其启示 |
侯强 |
(宁波大学法学院,浙江宁波,315211) |
摘 要: 近代中国官办法律教育人才培养经历了一个从英美模式到德日模式,再到美国模式的变革。在近代中国法律教育发展的进程中,作为发展主体的官办法律教育。该模式人才培养模式在澎湃的时代浪潮冲击下,形成了鲜明的特征。该模式对近代中国法律教育体系建立进行的探索,也给当代中国法律教育人才培养模式的重构留下了一些有益的历史启示。 |
关键词: 近代中国;官办法律教育;人才培养模式 |
Talents training mode and its inspiration of government-run
law education in modern China |
HOU Qiang |
(School of Law, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China) |
Abstract: In modern China, talents training mode of Government-run law education has evolved from the Anglo-American to Germany and Japan, then to the United States. In the process of the development of law education, government-run law as the main and the talents training mode lashed at that time, forming a distincitive character, its explorations of establishing law education system has also left some usful historical enlightenment to reconstruct talents training mode of law education in modern China. |
Key words: modern China; government-run law education; talents training mode modernization |