自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(1. 杭州师范大学心理学系,浙江杭州,310018;
2. 南京师范大学心理学系,南京,210097)
摘  要: 随着对社会认知的脑与神经机制研究的不断深入,尤其是伴随具身认知科学的兴起,社会脑概念的提出与镜像神经元的发现都使得社会认知研究取得了长足进步,但同时也引发了新的争论。在神经科学领域内有关社会认知的主要发现与新近理论假设的基础上,社会认知双重机制假说得以产生。该假说认为,大脑中至少存在两套机制来完成对于他人心理状态与行为的理解。第一套机制是基于大脑镜像匹配系统的研究提出的——具身模仿(embodied simulation);第二套机制即传统心理理论研究中所涉及的“心智化能力”(mentalizing)。该机制存在的证据除了传统心理理论领域中行为研究论据之外,更多的来自于与具身模仿系统相悖的实验研究。社会认知双重机制假说对于社会认知的研究有着重要的推动作用,但仍面临诸多问题需加以完善。
关键词: 社会认知双重机制;具身模仿;心智化能力;社会脑;镜像神经元
A Dual Mechanism of Social Cognition: Evidence from Neuroscience
ZHANG Jing1, CHEN Wei2, DING Jun1
(1. Department of Psychology, Hangzhou Normal Unversity, Hangzhou 310018, China;
2. Department of Psychology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China)
Abstract: With the deepening research of social cognition’s brain and neuron mechanisms, especially along with the rising of embodied cognitive science, the proposing of the hypothesis of social brain, and the discovery of mirror neurons, more findings are abstracted in this area while new disputation comes simultaneously. Based on the main discovery of social cognition, a new hypothesis, dual mechanism of social cognition, was proposed. It assumes that at least two mechanisms are needed in human brain to accomplish understanding others’ mind and behavior. One is proposed on the basis of embodied simulation that results from the research of brain’s mirror matching system, while the other is based on mentalizing which refers to the study of traditional theory of mind. Supporting evidence comes from investigation of behavior in theory of mind and controversial experiments of embodied simulation. This hypothesis is established on the basis of simulation-theory and theory-theory, thus significantly promoting social cognition although lots of problems have to be solved first.
Key words: dual mechanism of social cognition; embodied simulation; mentalizing; social brain; mirror neuron
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