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自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(浙江工业大学人文学院,浙江杭州, 310032)
摘  要: 当代文史专家认为:《霍小玉传》是一部早期“牛李”党争产物。作者在此基础上,确定其创作时间为长庆四年二月前,同时进一步确定了蒋防此传的创作意图,即间接打击牛党,美化李党。论述了本传中两大层次的对比:一是以霍小玉的挚情与李益的薄情作对比,二是以李益作为进士的浮浪、薄幸与山东士族的礼法、恩义、豪侠作对比,这两种对比奠定了本传之为爱情悲剧经典和“攻击型”传奇作品。
关键词: 《霍小玉传》;爱情悲剧经典;“攻击型”传奇作品
Romatic story of Huoxiaoyu: a blue romance classic and wrestling literature
FANG Jian-ming
(College of Humanities, Zhejiang University of technology, Hangzhou 310014, China)
Abstract:Experts think thatthe romatic story of Huoxiaoyuis the outcome of the conflict between Niu and Li. The author presents thattheromatic story of Huoxiaoyushould have been written before Feburuary of Changqing(A.C.824), whose author Jiangfang finished it in order to compete with the Nius while toglorify the Li s. There are two lines in this story: the first was Huoxiaoyu s warmth and Liyi s coldness, the second was Liyi s unloyalty and the Shandong s loyalty. We can reach a conclusion that the story written by Jiangfang is not only a blue romance story but also a wrestling literature.)
Abstract: Experts think thatthe romatic story of Huoxiaoyuis the outcome of the conflict between Niu and Li. The author presents thattheromatic story of Huoxiaoyushould have been written before Feburuary of Changqing(A.C.824), whose author Jiangfang finished it in order to compete with the Nius while toglorify the Li s. There are two lines in this story: the first was Huoxiaoyu s warmth and Liyi s coldness, the second was Liyi s unloyalty and the Shandong s loyalty. We can reach a conclusion that the story written by Jiangfang is not only a blue romance story but also a wrestling literature.
Key words: The Romantic Story of Huoxiaoyu; a blue romance classic; a wrestling literature
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