文章编号:1672-3104(2005)05-0660-05 |
论西方早期比较文学研究论著的理论贡献 |
李滟波,龙超云 |
(中南大学外国语学院,湖南长沙,410083;贵州大学文学院,贵州贵阳, 550000) |
摘 要: 通过对比较文学学科中诸如“世界文学”“影响研究”和“跨学科研究”等关键词的梳理,反视和评介西方早期比较文学学者对比较文学学科的形成和发展所做出的理论贡献、其论著的特点及其不足,探讨后来的比较文学研究者对前人的继承、借鉴与发展。西方早期比较文学学者对当今比较文学的学科性质、研究对象、研究范围和研究方法均产生过间接或直接的理论影响,对其理论贡献的客观评价有助于当今比较文学的学科建设与发展。 |
关键词: 比较文学;世界文学;影响研究;跨学科研究 |
On the theoretical contributions of the earlier works of comparative literature |
LI Yan-bo, LONG Chao-yun |
(School of Foreign Languages, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China;
School of Chinese Language and Literature, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550000, China) |
Abstract: Based on the studies in some key words in Comparative Literature such as World Literature, Influence Study and Interdisciplinary Study, the paper makes some comments on the theoretical contributions of some earlier comparatists to the formation and development of Comparative Literature as a discipline and makes an analysis of their features and inefficiency. It also explores the successive research and development of the later comparatists. Those earlier comparatists exerted some direct or indirect theoretical influence on the disciplinary nature, the object and scope of research and the methodology of Comparative Literature. Their theoretical contributions should be thus objectively evaluated for the better developmemt of Comparative Literature. |
Key words: comparative literature; world literature; influence study; interdisciplinary study |