文章编号:1672-3104(2005)05-0556-03 |
———兼谈“身体写作” |
余虹 |
(中国人民大学中文系,北京, 100872) |
摘 要: 比较分析了传统文化对灵魂的大写与当代文化对身体的大写,经由对身体写作的分析揭示后者的意义与后果。认为大写的“身体”是今天奴役我们的枷锁之一。文学要反抗身体,就像它当年反抗王权、反抗上帝和反抗灵魂那样,只有在这种反抗中文学才能获得自己的价值与尊严。 |
关键词: 身体;灵魂;尼采;木子美 |
The capitalization of body: What is happening? |
YU Hong |
(Department of Chinese, Renming University of China, Beijing 100872, China) |
Abstract: The essay comparatively analyzes the capitalization of‘soul’by traditional culture and that of‘body’by contemporary culture, revealing the significance and consequence of the latter by analyzing Body s graphic. The essay argues that literature must win its value and dignity by resisting the capitalization of‘body’. |
Key words: body; soul; Friedrich Nietzsche; Mu Zimei |