文章编号:1672-3104(2005)04-0507-06 |
异化翻译:陌生化的张力 |
李静 |
(常州工学院外国语学院,江苏常州, 213002) |
摘 要: 以陌生化理论为切入点,从历史的角度研究认为:新时期中国翻译宜多采用异化,才能使中国在处于弱势文化的环境里构建起和强势文化平等对话的平台。 |
关键词: 翻译;异化;归化;陌生化 |
On the strategy of foreignization in translation: an extension from defamiliarization |
LI Jing |
(School of Foreign Languages, Changzhou Institutes of Technology, Changzhou 213002, China) |
Abstract: Taken advice from the theory of defamiliarization, this paper provides a dialectical and historical study on foreignization in the field of translation, and arrives at a conclusion that the strategy of foreignization should be highlighted, which will help to build a workshop where China, with the identity of weak culture, can have an equal dialogue with strong cultures. |
Key words: foreignization; translation; extension; defamiliarization |