文章编号:1672-3104(2005)04-0424-05 |
论经济法理念在信托业监管中的引入 |
李勇 |
(中南大学法学院,湖南长沙, 410083) |
摘 要: 发展与规范、信托分业监管与混业经营、监管目标之间等矛盾困扰着信托业监管,制约了我国信托业金融功能的发挥。种种困惑源于经济法理念在具体制度中的缺失,因此应当引入现代经济法理念从监管定位、模式和目标选择三个维度上完善信托业监管制度:以明确信托业监管的国家调节职能为基础,确立调节型监管的定位;以信托业务混业特征为前提,建立功能型监管体制;以保护投资者利益为核心,确立维权型监管的目标。 |
关键词: 信托业监管;经济法理念;调节型监管;功能型监管;维权型监管 |
Thoughts on introduction of economic law idea into trust business supervision |
LI Yong |
(School of Law, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China) |
Abstract: There are three contradictions which harass trust business supervision and restrict the trust financial function: developing and regulating; separated supervision and mixed operation; the conflict between different aims. The key is the absence of idea of economic law in related rules. The idea of modern economic law should be introduced into and guide the trust business supervision law on three respects: following market adjusting and sparkpluging adjustable-supervision; basing on trust s mixed business and advocating functional-supervision; protecting beneficiary right and proposing defendable-supervision. |
Key words: trust business supervision; economic law idea; adjustable-supervision; functional-supervision;defendable-supervision. |