自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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摘  要: 《昭昧詹言》是方东树晚年为后辈讲论诗学的内容汇编,是桐城派诗学理论的集中体现,其中对黄庭坚其人其诗的品评是全书较为典型、精彩的部分。在研究方法上,方东树多将黄庭坚与他所推崇的杜甫、韩愈及苏轼等人进行比较分析,并且以杜甫、韩愈为黄庭坚诗学之源。该书于黄庭坚诗的思想内涵缺乏必要的挖掘,但却长于分析其诗章法与句法,于诗的起承转合与格局布置的探研尤为精妙。另外,方东树还对黄庭坚诗的用典、用意及个别句法提出了异议与批评。
关键词: 方东树;《昭昧詹言》;黄庭坚;异同辨析;章法;句法
Comment on Huang Tingjian’s poems in Fang Dongshu’s
Zhao Mei Zhan Yan
WANG Yousheng
(College of Literature, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
Abstract:  Zhao Mei Zhan Yan is a collection of lectures on poetics compiled by Fang Dongshu in his late years to his younger generation, which reflected the poetic theory of the school of Tongcheng. In this book, the comment on Huang Tingjian and his poems are the most typical and wonderful part, in which Fang Dongshu compared Huang Tingjian’s poems with those of Du Fu, Han Yu and Su Shi and discovered that Huang Tingjian’s poetics originated from Du Fu and HanYu’s poetic thinking. Fang Dongshu did not explore deep enough the connotations of Huang Tingjian’s poems, but he was good at analyzing their structure and syntax. His research on Huang Tingjian’s writing pattern as well as that on the introduction, elucidation of the theme, transition to another viewpoint and summing up of his poems is especially splendid. Moreover, Fang Dongshu criticized and raised objection to allusions and a few syntax pattern in some of Huang Tingjian’s poems.
Key words: Fang dongshu; Zhao Mei Zhan Yan; Huang Tingjian analysis on the similarities and differences; structure; syntax
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