自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中南大学商学院,湖南长沙, 410083)
摘  要: 商业银行有持续不断降低生产成本,加强自律管理以提高效率获得收益的动机,银行自律合约产生是降低交易费用的结果。目前的研究表明,自律管理合约的执行是某种增长期权作用的集合,涵盖了银行特许权主要是依靠银行特许权价值来实现的,有其内在基础。运用实物期权方法构建自律选择的决定模型,可以表明直接管制将降低银行加强自律管理的收益,增加银行的冒险动机。因此银行监管应从常规性监管向风险性监管的转变,重视银行自律管理,强调市场机制的作用,实现安全与效率并重的监管目标,达到银行对资源的有效配置的目的,从而推动经济增长。
关键词: 银行自律;内生机制;交易费用;生产成本;特许权价值;实物期权模型;银行监管
Research on bank self-regulation and its implementation
LIANG Bin-yin
(School of Business, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: As an inherent mechanism, bank self-regulation contract was established to reduce transaction cost. Motivated by Bank s self-interest, the bank would endeavor to reduce the operation cost and apply the self-regulation to improve the effectiveness and make more profit. On the other hand, implementation of self-regulation contract also requires cost. It was considered from the bank s reputation, legal protection and management system before. Current research has indicated that implementation of self-regulation contract will be possibly realized through laws and has internal basis. Furthermore the real option model may indicate that direct regulation can effectively reduce the efficiency benefit of strengthening self-regulation and increase the incentives of risk-taking. To increase the level of bank self-regulation, we must change regulatory restriction into risk-sensitive regulation and pay more attention to bank s self-regulation. The
market mechanism should play a more active role to achieve the balance of security and efficiency and the effective allocation of resources by the bank and promote the economic development.
Key words: bank self-regulation; inherent mechanism; transaction cost;production cost; charter value; real option model; bank regulation
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