自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版
自然科学版 英文版


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(中南大学商学院,湖南长沙, 410083)
摘  要: 随着海峡两岸关系日益密切,台湾企业对大陆的直接投资迅速增加,2003年台湾企业对大陆的投资额比2002年增长19.1%,达到45.95亿美元,对大陆直接投资占其对外投资总量的65%,台湾海外投资逐渐减少。台湾对大陆直接投资具有国际收支效应、产业带动与产业结构变动效应、技术溢出效应和市场示范效应,对台湾经济发展产生重大影响。大陆低廉而充沛的劳动力资源和潜力巨大的市场与台湾的资金、技术、管理经验结合在一起,可以使两岸经济进一步融入经济全球化进程,分享国际分工效益,最终实现两岸三通和祖国统一。
关键词: 海峡两岸关系;台湾企业;直接投资
Influence on foreign direct investment of Taiwan exerted by the
development of the relationship between the two sides of the Strait
ZHANG Qiong-yan, LI Yi-zhi
(School of Business , Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)
Abstract: With the increasingly closer relationship between the two sides of the Strait, enterprises in Taiwan's direct investment on mainland has been increased rapidly, total of Taiwan's direct investment on mainland increased by 19.1 percent in 2003 than in 2002, amounting four billion five hundred ninety five million dollar, percentage of total foreign direct investment reach 65 percent, while oversea direct investment decreased gradually. Taiwan's direct investment has effect of international balance of payment, effect of industry motivation and the change of industrial structure, effect of technological outflow and market demonstrate, it influences greatly on development of Taiwan's economy. The cheap and sufficient labor force and the great potential market of mainland cooperated with Taiwan s capital, technology and management experience could lead the economy of two sides to enter the process of economic globalization together and
share the benefit of the effect of international work-division so as to realize the“three direct links”between two sides and the unification of country finally.
Key words: relationship between the two sides of the Strait; Taiwan s enterprises; direct investment
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